WhichTypes of tomatoesthere is?
WhichFruit typesare there and how are they defined?
What meansfruit ripening/ Ripening period early, medium or late?
What meansdetermined,indeterminateandsemi-determined on tomato plants?
What means "seedproof" and "F1" on seed bags?
What meansferment? Why do you do this and how do you do it correctly? -NEW - Now with fermentation instructions to download
What meansprevented/unpreventedand variety purity?
Howstoresyou plant seeds and how long they staygerminable if stored correctly?
What meansmaxed outfor tomatoes and which varieties are used?
Are tomatoesdeep- orshallow-rooted?
How does it work?pollinationin tomato flowers?
What meansPhytophthora infestans in tomatoes?
Whenbeginsthe best way is with thesowingandwhich earth should you use it for this?- NEW - Now with sowing instructions to download
How big should one be?Bucket/pot be and can be anyonetomato varietyin thebucket/pot plant?
How do you know that?green tomato varieties ripe are?
What means "failed" on tomato plants?
What means "prick" on tomato plants?
Tomato fruitbecomesbrown below -> Blossom end rot
What does it mean to tomatoesdepointand why do you do this?
Why have someTomato seeds brown spots or are brown?
WhysufferstheThe tastea tomato iftoo many leaves removed become?
Howfrequentlyshould you plant tomatoes?fertilize?
How do I get mine?green tomatoes still ripe after the season?
What isOld varieties/ heirloom varieties?