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Seed exchange boxes

The purpose of these boxes is to preserve the variety of our vegetables, herbs and flowers. The motto is:


"We exchange so that the variety of varieties is preserved!"

You can find locations across Germany on the FREE SEED homepage.

What are the exchange boxes about?

It is my active initiative to preserve the variety of our vegetables, herbs and flowers. Seeds of many old and unusual varieties are becoming increasingly rare in the trade, and the reasons for this are varied, but often of a financial nature.

You will be surprised at what treasures you can find in these exchange boxes. Because they not only contain yellow corn, but also colorful variations. There are vegetables that bear the name "asparagus pea" and there are not only red peppers, but also black peppers.

The seeds from the exchange boxes, especially if they come from the participants' gardens, have the additional advantage of being perfectly adapted to regional conditions.In this way, together we contribute to preserving biological diversity and protecting local varieties in their uniqueness.

Do the seeds cost anything?

No, the seeds cost nothing.

If you don't have your own seeds to exchange, you can also make a small donation to compensate (suggestion: between €1.00 and €1.50 per bag of seeds). There is a small box for this in the exchange box.

The donations will only be used to finance the new seed bags and the seeds

How do the exchange boxes work?

The principle of give and take, sustainability and shared gardening is at the heart of a small but wonderful initiative - the seed exchange box.

Here you will find out what is important and how you can become part of this movement yourself. There are three important things to consider.

1. Seed quality counts!

The seed exchange box is a platform on which garden lovers share seeds with each other. But there is a golden rule here: Please only put solid seeds in the exchange box. But what does that even mean? Solid seeds can be reproduced, which means that the plants grown from them also produce seeds from which new plants can be grown next year. There should be a note to this effect on the seed bag. In contrast to this are F1 hybrids, which are generally not replicable. So, when planting your seeds, make sure they are seed-proof to support the cycle of sharing and growing.

2. Diversity is key!

The seed exchange box is not just intended for flower seeds. It's all about diversity in your gardens and on your plate. So don't just bring flower seeds, but also vegetable and herb seeds. In this way, together we contribute to preserving and promoting biodiversity. Who knows, maybe you will discover a very special type of vegetable in the exchange box that will enrich your menu.

3. Share and label

The idea of the seed exchange box is simple: you take seeds from the box and in return you put your own seeds in it. It doesn't matter whether it comes from your own garden or is left over from a bag of seeds you bought. To keep an overview and support the next generation of gardeners, use the bags provided. Always write clearly on the seed bags what type of plant it is, state the variety name and the year of seeding. For example: “Paprika Augsburger Riese 2022”. This means that all users of the exchange box can see what they are growing and, in turn, provide seeds.

Locations of my exchange boxes provided

Die Boxen stehen ganzjährig zugänglich an den unten genannten Standorten.

Come and become part of this community!


Die Saatgut-Wanderbox wird an Teilnehmer in ganz Deutschland versendet.

Aktuell sind zwei Arten von Boxen unterwegs
- Saatgut-Tauschbox für gemischtes Gemüse

- Saatgut-Tauschbox nur für Tomatensaatgut
Wenn du mehr zu den einzelnen Boxen oder den Ablauf erfahren möchtest, klicke auf die jeweiligen Buttons.

Seed exchange box

The seed exchange box is not only a way to enrich your own gardens, but also a chance to promote sustainable gardening and the preservation of traditional seeds. It's a win-win for everyone involved, and you can be a part of it. So, pack your seed bags and swap with other gardeners to make your gardens more colorful and diverse. Together we can make the world a little greener.

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