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14. How big should the bucket/pot for tomatoes be and can you grow any type of tomato in a pot?
ForBush tomatoes: the pots should be approximately7 - 12 liters can hold earth.
ForStick tomato: the pots shouldfrom 20 literscan hold earth.
ForDwarf bush tomato: the pots shouldfrom 5 liters can hold earth.
ForAmpel tomatoes: the pots should be approx.15 – 20 liters can hold earth.
Do not choose the pots too large otherwise root problems such as rot can occur. If the pots are too small, you have to water them too often.
There are no restrictions on variety selection. It is possible to grow any type of tomato in a container. The only important thing with the large varieties is that they are supported well.
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